Ask Approyo: What Are The Top Benefits of Using a Managed Service Provider (MSP)?
November 19, 2020
November 19, 2020
SAP's popularity has slowly grown over the years, due to the amount of innovation and data it takes to operate business. While adopting SAP is a great step toward the digital transformation of any organization, it definitely comes with its challenges. Constant changes and upgrades to SAP database environments, managing tools, and ensuring the security of your systems, applications, and platforms, can be difficult without any help.
Partnering with a Managed Services Provider (MSP) is the solution to all of your IT problems. An MSP is an external company that remotely manages services and solutions surrounding customers' IT infrastructure and ERP systems. Those MSPs who's focus is on SAP, usually offer cloud services, backup and disaster recovery, infrastructure services, basis support, and more.
1) Digital Transformation
First and Foremost is digital transformation. It's almost 2021, and digital transformation is more important than ever. If you want to become a leader within your respective industry, while staying ahead of your competition, then it is completely necessary to make changes to your IT environment. Every business strives to be as efficient as possible, but without updating your old legacy IT infrastructure, this may cause major setbacks. Updating your SAP systems or migrating to SAP HANA or SAP S/4HANA allows for better decision-making in real time, leading you to improved customer experiences, budgeting, and Return on Investment (ROI). Not only that, but you'll experience higher productivity from your employees using the latest and greatest tech, making their lives easier and their work processes better. The goal of any MSP is to make your business agile, secure and reliable, and partnering with a reliable one will allow your business to get the most out of your investment.
2) Cut Costs
The whole point of undergoing digital transformation is to improve your business in more than one way, and of course, one of the most important goals is to reduce costs. Utilizing an MSP gives you access to a team of experts that are available 24/7 for your requests and needs. Instead of a single base cost, paying only for what you use means you can scale your business up or down based on your immediate needs. Not to mention, it is also difficult to find skilled SAP architects and support team members, so it is a much cheaper alternative in the fact that you do not have to take the time or pay annual salaries for an internal IT team. In fact, having an MSP can save you up to 25-45%. Having a reliable MSP ensures that all of your products are up to date and optimized for your business, without you even having to lift a finger.
3) Tailored Roadmaps & IT Strategy
Depending on your business goals, you must select the right solution to meet them, but there are so many options out in the IT landscape today, how do you choose? An MSP doesn't only operate as a services provider, but also as a consultant. MSPs are able to discuss your current problems, your needs, and goals, and formulate the perfect solution to improve any current setbacks you face. Pairing SAP solutions with certain services or projects, and showing you every step of the process before buying. They are able to show you a before-and-after roadmap approach, allowing you to picture the time frame and results in a way that is easy to understand.
4) Governance, Risk & Compliance:
In today's age, it is important to make sure you are meeting governance and compliance standards. An MSP can make sure that your systems are set up properly to meet these requirements, and can be adjusted based on changes, whether its meeting PCI, HIPAA, or state regulations. It is also important to protect your valuable and private data from data breaches and downtime. With an MSP, you get the peace of mind that your systems are being monitored 24/7, meaning they are stable and secure at all times, even throughout any large instance projects such as a implementation or migration. This majorly reduces risks to your organization, ensuring the dependability of your systems, even through common IT issues.
Things to consider when choosing your MSP:
The most important thing is that your MSP is able to meet your needs, leading you to more business success in the future. Approyo is one of the leading MSPs in the SAP industry space, and can help transform your business in all of the ways listed above.
At Approyo, we help optimize your SAP solutions and get the most out of your investment. We take responsibility for all cloud service operations including the hosting of your systems with 24/7 monitoring, BASIS support, local Helpdesk, Backups, OS, along with the ability to scale your systems with minimal downtime. Our global team of experts is available at all times to ensure your systems are operating smoothly, and to handle any requests or questions you have. With our extensive background in SAP, and our range of tailored SAP services and solutions, we can be the MSP that guides you to success. Not only are we a reliable MSP, but we are your personal SAP consultant as well. Looking for more information on how we can benefit your business? Set up a free consultation with our executive team today.